December 29, 2023

What Is AI for Customer Support and How to Use It?

 Exploring What AI is for Customer Support
Generative AI as a solution for customer service came around just in time. The level of clients’ expectations is rising over time. The main reason is the relationship between companies and customers, in which each party adds fuel to the fire in turn. When the quality of products and services is high, clients want more, and companies release more opportunities that whet consumers’ appetites. Today, 65% of customers would prefer someone to answer their request the very minute they reach out to a company. Is it possible to meet such high expectations if the number of clients is counted in hundreds of thousands? The answer is “Yes” if you implement AI-powered tools based on Natural language processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLMs) into your customer service. One can gain much more than a faster response. Through AI chatbots that automate routine tasks, companies can achieve an annual reduction of up to 2.5 billion hours in the workload of their customer service teams. What is even more, AI-powered tools provide response personalization. Want to learn more on how to get the best of the collaboration between the tools your team is accustomed to and AI? Eager to find out what AI is for customer support? We’ll dive in as fast as AI-powered chatbots can give the relevant answer – within seconds.

What should your customer service be like today? The bar is high

In a highly competitive market, you should provide the highest level of services to thrive. For customer service, the top requirements are quick response, relevance, and personalization. Here are the reasons why you should consider meeting these requirements as your primary goals.

Digital Era Expectations

In the digital age, the landscape of interaction with the target audience has transformed drastically. Buyers, empowered by the ubiquity of the internet and digital devices, expect more than ever before. Information and services, once bound by physical and temporal limitations, are now accessible instantly. This paradigm shift has significantly elevated customer expectations, especially concerning response times. The age of digital immediacy has redefined the standards of customer service, making promptness a crucial metric.

Competition and Choice

The modern marketplace is abundant with choices, giving people the liberty to switch brands effortlessly. If a business fails to meet their expectations promptly, consumers can and will turn to competitors. This high level of competition compels businesses to prioritize not only the speed of their responses but also their quality. Keeping customers engaged and satisfied in such a landscape requires a strategy that blends speed with efficiency and effectiveness.

Technological Advancements

Technological progress, particularly in artificial intelligence, chatbots, and automated systems, has revolutionized customer service. These advancements have not only made rapid responses feasible but have also raised expectations. With the knowledge of what technology can achieve, customers anticipate companies to harness these tools for enhanced service speed and quality. The incorporation of AI for workflow automation is no longer a luxury, but a standard customer expects businesses to meet.

Immersive Experiences for Engagement

Contemporary people seek comprehensive experiences that go beyond mere transactions. They crave engagement that immerses them, making them feel valued and understood. Technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and rich media content have opened new avenues for creating such experiences. These tools enable businesses to offer interactive and engaging experiences, fostering a deeper connection with customers. In an era where experience often trumps the product, providing immersive customer service can be a significant differentiator.


Personalization has emerged as a key driver of client satisfaction. Today's consumers expect businesses to not only recognize their individual needs and preferences quickly, but to also tailor their services and responses to these unique requirements. The challenge for businesses lies in leveraging data and technology to deliver personalized experiences at scale, ensuring each interaction feels individualized and special.

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What is AI for Customer Support and What Opportunities It Can Provide

AI-powered tools for customer service that provide quick response and personalization. There are two types of AI-powered tools for customer support. Both are chatbots; however, they are different in terms of the level of automatization. Tools of the first type extend human skills and help agents catch up with consumers’ needs and expectations. Tools of the second type are completely automated virtual agents.

AI for Customer Support Agents: with a Human in the Loop

AI customer intelligence tools designed to aid human agents are pivotal in enhancing the effectiveness of customer support.

These tools have several key functions:

  • Providing background information. They supply agents with crucial information about customers, including their intentions and sentiments. This enables agents to understand customer needs better and offer more empathetic and targeted responses.
  • Ensuring efficient request routing. These tools ensure that customer inquiries are directed to the most appropriate agent or department, streamlining the support process and improving response times.
  • Drafting response assistance. AI tools can generate initial drafts for responses, which agents can then refine and personalize. This blend of AI efficiency and human touch is critical for maintaining a high-quality customer experience.
  • Supplying data for insights. These tools also provide valuable data analytics, helping agents and analysts gain insights into buyers’ behavior and preferences. This data is essential for making informed decisions and improving overall service quality.

CoSupport AI provides the AI solution for customer support agents based on machine learning – CoSupport ™ Agent, which creates drafts for personalized answers. The AI copilot’s functionality ensures the following opportunities for agents:

  • it easily integrates with the company’s CRM and provides the “native” experience for an agent; the workflow feels like smooth sailing;
  • it understands the context of the previous conversations with a particular customer; hence, each user gets information tailored to their experience.

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What differentiates CoSupport ™ Agent from other popular solutions such as ChatGPT or Bard is customization. Copilot for agents is created merely for customer support and trained on the company’s proprietary data. All of that makes it possible to supply customers with accurate information based on context.

Fully Automated AI Solutions for Customer Support

Fully automated AI solutions, such as advanced chatbots, handle a wide array of tasks independently.

Their capabilities include:

  • Answering frequently asked questions (FAQs). These chatbots provide quick and accurate responses to common queries, such as product information, pricing, and company policies, enhancing the efficiency of information delivery.
  • Guiding website navigation. They assist users in navigating websites, helping them find exactly what they need, whether it's a product page, contact information, or support resources.
  • Gathering information. Automated solutions collect essential details and specific issues about buyers. This information is invaluable when connecting customers with human agents for more complex queries.
  • Processing transactions. These chatbots can also handle transactions, including order placements and payment processing, thereby streamlining the purchasing process for customers.
  • Scheduling and feedback analysis. They are adept at scheduling appointments or callbacks at convenient times for consumers. By collecting and analyzing feedback, these chatbots play a crucial role in continuously refining customer service strategies.
  • Providing after-hours support. Offering 24/7 assistance, these AI solutions ensure that inquiries are addressed at all times, significantly enhancing the target audience’s satisfaction and loyalty.

CoSupport ™ Customer solution created by CoSupport AI is a self-sufficient AI tool that delivers accurate responses to customers independently, without human participation. It automates up to 80% of agents’ routine, ensuring relevant and personalized requests. Due to the tool's assistance, tickets are processed 30-80% faster.

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The tool is compatible with any other tool or platform for communication, including WhatsApp, web chat apps, and emails. When the CoSupport ™ Customer is on duty, managers can focus on meaningful tasks instead of dealing with the drilling routine, such as answering FAQs. Technology implementation results in a more rational approach to handling requests, more energetic managers, and happier clients.

Advantages of AI Solutions for Customer Support

Integrating AI into customer support systems brings a multitude of transformative benefits, reshaping interactions with consumers and business efficiencies.

Here’s an in-depth exploration of these advantages.

Improved Response Time

AI chatbots are unparalleled in their ability to respond to queries instantly. This drastically cuts down the average response time. By reducing the wait time to mere seconds, AI ensures that people receive immediate attention, significantly boosting satisfaction and perception of the brand.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

The rapid and accurate responses enabled by AI significantly boost customer satisfaction scores (CSAT). AI’s proficiency in handling routine inquiries frees up human agents to tackle more complex and nuanced issues. This strategic division of labor enhances the overall quality and efficiency of customer support, leading to more satisfied consumers who feel their needs are promptly and effectively addressed.

Reduced Resolution Time

AI tools excel at quickly sifting through and analyzing large volumes of data to identify the best solutions, dramatically lowering the time it takes to resolve issues. This speed is vital in maintaining trust and loyalty.

Elevated First Contact Resolution (FCR)

AI's ability to resolve a high number of issues at the first point of contact markedly improves the FCR rate. This not only streamlines the support process but also enhances clients’ contentment, as issues are resolved swiftly without the need for follow-up interactions.

Scalability in Handling Queries

AI can handle an exponentially larger volume of queries simultaneously compared to human agents. This scalability ensures that the quality of customer service remains high, even during peak demand times or unexpected surges in inquiries, providing a consistent customer experience.

24/7 Service Availability

AI-powered support tools provide continuous service without the constraints of human work schedules. This 24/7 availability is crucial for catering to the audience across different time zones and preferences, ensuring that support is always available, regardless of the hour or day.

Cost Reduction

AI reduces the reliance on a large human support team for handling routine queries. This leads to a decrease in operational costs and positively impacts metrics like cost per contact or resolution. Over time, these cost savings can be substantial, allowing businesses to allocate resources to other strategic areas.

Personalization of Customer Interactions

Through sophisticated AI algorithms capable of analyzing extensive customer data, AI offers highly personalized interactions. This level of personalization boosts the customer experience, leading to increased engagement, loyalty, and higher retention rates. Personalized interactions make users feel valued and understood, fostering a deeper connection with the brand.

Data-Driven Insights

AI tools analyze interactions to provide insights into user behavior, preferences, and needs. These insights are essential for tailoring service strategies, improving product offerings, and ultimately enhancing overall business performance. Understanding people's preferences enables businesses to anticipate needs and customize their offerings accordingly.

Minimized Human Error

AI’s precision significantly reduces the chances of human error in customer service. This reliability in service delivery leads to improved service quality, increased trust, and a stronger brand reputation. By eliminating common errors such as misinformation or oversight, AI ensures a more consistent and reliable customer experience.

Enhanced Employee Satisfaction

AI tools also benefit customer support agents by reducing their workload on routine queries, allowing them to focus on more challenging and rewarding tasks. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, reduced burnout, and improved employee retention rates.

Integration with Existing Systems

Many AI solutions are designed to integrate smoothly with existing business systems and processes. This seamless integration ensures that businesses can adopt AI without disrupting their current operations, leading to a smoother transition and quicker realization of benefits.

Adaptive Learning and Improvement

AI systems enhance their performance continually, drawing on ongoing customer interactions, feedback, and evolving patterns to learn and adapt. This adaptability means that AI tools become more efficient and effective as they are used, providing businesses with a tool that evolves with their needs and target audience’s expectations.

Advantages of AI Solutions for Customer Support

CoSupport's AI solutions, like CoSupport ™ Agent and CoSupport ™ Customer, significantly enhance customer support by reducing response and resolution times.

These tools improve First Contact Resolution rates and overall user satisfaction scores (CSAT) by handling routine inquiries and providing quick, accurate responses.

CoSupport ™ BI is a virtual decision-making center, crucial for understanding what can be improved to provide a higher level of services. The tool is catered by data from the company's sources, such as its knowledge base, emails, and internal documentation; one can get the information based on in-house data within seconds. The solution integrates with Slack and delivers 24/7 assistance to customer support agents, sales managers, and analysts.

The most prominent tool’s advantage is its ability to help all company experts involved in decision-making stay in the loop in terms of customer needs, trends in sales, and challenges of delivering products and services.

Additionally, the scalability and cost-effectiveness of these AI solutions lead to reduced operational costs and increased productivity in customer support services.


“Copilot” is a good word used today to describe AI-powered solutions not only for customer support but for different business domains. Copilot is an assistant: intelligent, reliable, and available round the clock. It helps to handle the routine and lets human agents streamline their efforts for solving tasks vital for strategic goals.

AI copilots play supportive roles in all senses; they are just the extension of human skills. Even while using tools that provide complete automation, you need a human to create such tools or tailor them so that they contribute to the business at maximum capacity.

So, AI assistants, copilots, or AI-powered chatbots – you can insert here the popular terms you’re accustomed to - play second fiddle, don’t they? It’s only half the truth. In today's highly digitized world, they become one of the essential assets. AI assistants and chatbots are virtual partners who are always full of energy, able to dive deeply into data, friendly, and ready to fulfill inquirers. It’s worth keeping in mind while answering the question, “What is AI for customer support?”.

As Andrew Ng, a thought leader in the realm of AI, states, it’s difficult to imagine any industry that won’t be affected by AI. The technology will definitely be absorbed by retail, logistics, communication, education, healthcare, and other industries. One of the domains in which AI-powered solutions are in the most demand is customer support, and the trend is directed toward the future.

What is your role in adopting innovative tools: being a leader or jumping on the bandwagon? It’s up to you to decide. If you prefer to be in the vanguard, consider communicating with a partner who has experience in creating custom solutions that provide efficiency and high security. CoSupport AI is here to build the solution perfectly tailored to your business needs.

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