March 11, 2024

From Response Times to Satisfaction: How CoSupport Agent's Integration with Zendesk Improves Metrics

How much effort and investment does it take for your customer support team to increase the First Response Time by one percent? What about improving ticket processing time? Every company has its own answer to these questions or at least the well-grounded estimations. What is common for different companies is the willingness to improve Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) since they signal customer service’s “health”. CoSupport AI offers an AI-powered solution that provides 80% faster ticket processing time being integrated with Zendesk. It’s just one figure as an example. To find more, stay with us! Let’s consider key customer service KPIs, one by one, and find out how your KPIs will benefit from our AI solution integrated into Zendesk. In addition, you’ll get an extended vision of how AI can improve customer experience.

Why is KPIs enhancement challenging today?

Providing high KPIs in customer support has always been challenging due to various reasons. Here are just a fraction of the tasks that demand maximum effort and attention from customer support departments to align with business goals:

  • ensuring high quality and consistency of services;
  • managing a large volume of support requests;
  • personalizing responses;
  • retaining employees.

In today’s diversified and digitalized world, requirements for customer support are even higher. Let’s find out what challenges customer support teams face nowadays in maintaining high levels of performance across various KPIs. The knowledge of these factors will help us form expectations of what the high quality service is. Spoiler: with our AI solution integrated to Zendesk, agents overcome all inefficiencies. Moreover, our solution is a living answer to the question, “How to use AI to improve the customer experience?”

Evolving Customer Expectations

In the current digital landscape, customers expect quick, personalized, and accurate answers to their questions. Just two figures to consider: According to the Salesforce survey, 83% of customers expect immediate interaction with an agent after making contact. As the Zendesk survey states, 70% of consumers expect any company representative they communicate with to have comprehensive knowledge of their purchase history, past interactions, and related details. In other words, clients expect a high level of personalization.

The standard for quality customer service is constantly increasing. Customers now expect 24/7 availability and quick, personalized solutions as standard. This ongoing shift challenges support teams not only to meet but surpass these expectations in every interaction. And it’s the field where you can benefit from using AI to improve customer experience.

Complexity of Support Queries

As products and services become more sophisticated, so do the questions and issues customers face. This complexity means that customer support agents must have a deep understanding of the product or service, alongside the ability to solve complex problems efficiently. The diversity of customer queries requires a level of expertise and flexibility that can be challenging to maintain, especially when dealing with high volumes of tickets.

Balancing Efficiency and Personalization

One of the most significant challenges in customer support is finding the right balance between efficiency and personalized service.

On one hand, automated responses and AI-driven tools can significantly reduce response times and increase efficiency.

On the other hand, the question of “how AI can improve customer experience” also involves addressing customers' need to feel genuinely heard and understood, emphasizing the importance of empathy. According to the PwC survey, human engagement is crucial: 82% of customers would prefer customer service with the involvement of a human agent.

Hence, the balance between automation and empathetic reaction, along with maintaining a personal touch, is vital for customer satisfaction.

Keeping Up with Technological Advances

The rapid pace of technological advancement means that customer support tools and platforms are constantly evolving. Keeping up with these changes, training staff on new systems, and integrating cutting-edge technologies into existing workflows can be both time-consuming and costly. Yet, failing to stay aside from these advances can leave a support team lagging behind in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.

Agent Training and Retention

Training customer support agents to handle a wide range of queries is time-consuming and resource-intensive. Moreover, high turnover rates in customer support roles can lead to a loss of knowledge and experience, impacting the overall quality of service. Ensuring that agents are well-trained, motivated, and equipped with the right tools is crucial for maintaining performance levels, but it's also a challenging and ongoing process.

Now that we know why achieving KPIs takes effort, skills, and courage in today’s competitive and technologically advanced market, let’s find out how CoSupport AI solution helps companies succeed.

CoSupport Agent Integrated Into Zendesk: Sheer Power of AI for Customer Support

Imagine you're a customer support agent with a smart AI assistant at your side. This assistant goes beyond mere automation of routine tasks like searching the knowledge base for relevant topics. It understands everything about your company, products, and services, offering a level of support that's a step above the basic task automation you'd expect from a conventional robot.

The CoSupport Agent integrated into Zendesk is more than just an AI assistant for human agents — it's capable of “thinking.” When we say it “knows” everything about your products and services, we're not exaggerating. Built on genuine AI technology that utilizes neural networks, the CoSupport Agent begins its thought process as soon as a ticket arrives in Zendesk. It then equips the human agent with the optimal response: one that's fast, tailored, and precise, showcasing the profound impact of using AI to enhance the customer service journey.

How CoSupport Agent Works: Technical Background and Benefits

The CoSupport Agent creates two drafts for the human agent, offering the flexibility to choose the draft that most closely aligns with the request. This allows for further customization of the selected draft, enabling human agents to infuse it with a personal touch or expand on essential details for a more tailored response.

As a browser extension, the CoSupport Agent simplifies integration into your workflow. There's no need for complex installation processes or disruptions to your current software setup. Implementing our AI assistant is straightforward, and designed to enhance your support system effortlessly.

This is how the human agent’s workspace looks like in Zendesk with integrated CoSupport Agent:

It’s the same Zendesk workspace with a few extra buttons! Your agents don’t feel themselves as they move to the uncharted territory with tools scattered around. Hence, CoSupport Agent implementation doesn’t need additional resources to train your human agents.

Obtaining quick, accurate, precise, and personalized responses is a matter of a couple of clicks on the buttons, And one gets an answer within milliseconds! Because it’s AI!

Where AI Magic Happens

If you’re interested in how AI can improve customer experience, you're aware of the remarkable capabilities of artificial intelligence. While there are many smart and efficient tools out there, such as chatbots, that can respond to predictive questions and mimic live interactions, it's important to note that not all chatbots are AI-based. Basic chatbots lack the advanced functionalities of AI. Therefore, they don't offer the same level of sophistication as AI assistants with “brains”, like the CoSupport Agent.

Here is the first and foremost justification of the power of AI created by our company is that CoSupport AI’s assistant is built on the patented technology. In January 2024, the company was issued a U.S. patent for its innovative multi-model message generation architecture. (You can find the press release about granting the company the patent on Yahoo!, in particular).

CoSupport AI’s patented technology is a smart way of handling different kinds of customer questions. This method speeds up giving answers that are right on target and suited to each situation. The technology sorts questions into three types:

  • simple;
  • complex;
  • technical.

Simple questions get quick answers from a database, so there's no need for complicated processes. Complex questions use AI for detailed, context-aware replies. And technical issues are dealt with on their track, making sure resources are used efficiently for quicker solutions.

The patented technology ensures four key CoSupport Agent’s advantages:

  • Quick response time. Our AI assistant provides the response faster than GPT. In the thread of requests, CoSupport Agent answers the first question in milliseconds, markedly quicker than ChatGPT's 2-3 second response time. In message thread conversations, it delivers responses in less than 5 seconds, significantly outpacing ChatGPT's 15-second response speed.
  • Exceptional accuracy. Our AI assistant is trained on specialized datasets tailored to specific company products and services. This targeted training strategy gives the system a nuanced understanding of conversational contexts, allowing it to deliver highly accurate responses—a distinct edge over the more general capabilities of large language models (LLMs).
  • Cost efficiency. CoSupport AI’s assistant operates on leaner models that are less costly to run compared to the resource-intensive LLMs. The pricing model is clear and simple, offering customers a one-time payment for a fully operational AI product, steering clear of the complex pricing schemes common with bigger AI platforms.
  • Data security. AI Assistant is trained on anonymized customer data and operates without the need to tap into external databases, substantially lowering the risk of data breaches. This method effectively mitigates concerns about personal data leaks, which are prevalent issues with LLM-based solutions.

To wrap up the topic of the “real” AI, let’s list three more justifications for CuSupport AI’s authenticity that are the components of our approach:

  • Language models. It’s our AI Copilot “brains.” CoSupport™ AI’s patented architecture includes a constellation of models for enhanced speed and efficiency.
  • Machine learning. Unlike typical chatbots, CoSupport™ Agent doesn’t follow simple rules and predefined algorithms. It’s able to find optimal responses based on knowledge.
  • Reinforcement learning. At every stage of a model's “life,” they understand customers’ needs deeper. Wise reward&penalty system helps an AI assistant become “smarter.”

Now that you know what CoSupport Agent’s AI background is, let’s look at how CoSupport Agent integration with Zendesk improves your KPIs in customer support.

How CoSupport Agent Boosts Customer Service KPIs

The CoSupport Agent integration in Zendesk significantly impacts two essential groups of KPIs in customer support operations.

The first group includes KPIs related to operational efficiency, such as response times and the number of tickets resolved within a given timeframe. Integrated with Zendesk, our AI assistant directly improves these metrics by streamlining ticket processing, enabling a faster resolution of customer inquiries and showcasing the tool’s ability to enhance efficiency and shorten wait times.

The second group of KPIs affected by the CoSupport Agent's integration with Zendesk pertains to the overall quality of customer service, though this impact is more indirect. By elevating service quality, the AI assistant helps to increase customer satisfaction, thereby fostering loyalty and eliciting positive feedback.

Let’s delve into both types of indicators in more detail, focusing particularly on those that directly influence the efficiency of customer service and highlight how AI can improve customer experience.

First Response Time (FRT)

FRT shows how fast your customer support reacts to queries. The metric is measured in business hours within a specified timeframe (for example, for a month).

Calculation of First Response Time (FRT)

The lower the First Response Time (FRT), the better the user experience, as immediate responses demonstrate attentiveness, a key factor in retaining customers and building trust. This rapid engagement not only enhances customer loyalty but also provides a competitive edge, helping a company outperform its competitors.

How CoSupport Agent contributes to keeping FTR low

The AI assistant composes a response draft for the request within 1–1.5 seconds as soon as a ticket is opened. It means that a human agent can answer the client within mere seconds because the draft is personalized and accurate and doesn’t need much effort for editing.

First Contact Resolution (FCR)

FCR gauges the ability of a support team to resolve a customer's query on the first interaction. The metric is typically expressed as a percentage.

Calculation of First Contact Resolution (FCR)

Achieving a high First Contact Resolution rate is essential for delivering a superior user experience. It signifies that customers' issues are understood and addressed promptly and accurately, minimizing the need for follow-ups or repeated contacts. This efficiency in resolving issues at the first point of contact is crucial for building customer trust and satisfaction.

How CoSupport Agent contributes to keeping FCR high

The AI assistant provides context-oriented and precise answers. It helps a human agent ensure a comprehensive set of answers for the particular request so that all customers’ issues are resolved in one session.

Average Resolution Time (ART)

ART measures the average duration needed to resolve customer issues from the moment they are reported until they are fully resolved. It serves as a critical indicator of the responsiveness and efficiency of a customer support team in managing and resolving tickets or queries. ART is measured in minutes and can be calculated for particular agents and the whole team.

Calculation of Average Resolution Time (ART)

Maintaining a low Average Resolution Time reflects the support team's ability to address issues quickly and meet or exceed customer expectations. A lower ART indicates a streamlined support process that reduces customer downtime and frustration.

How CoSupport Agent contributes to keeping FCR low

With CoSupport Agent assistance, a human agent responds faster. A customer service manager doesn’t need to spend time searching for information or formulating a reply. The task is to choose the best answer and edit a reply if needed, which is less time-consuming than composing the personalized response from scratch.

Total Resolution Time (TRT)

TRT measures the total amount of time required to resolve a customer's ticket from the moment it is opened until it is fully resolved. The indicator is calculated for a set of tickets over a specific period, such as a day, week, or month.

Calculation of Total Resolution Time (TRT)

A lower TRT signifies an efficient support process, contributing to reduced customer inconvenience and frustration. By effectively managing resolution times, a company can ensure high levels of customer satisfaction, fostering a positive perception of the brand and encouraging customer retention.

How CoSupport Agent contributes to keeping TRT low

The AI Assistant allows for providing a quick response since a human agent is empowered by a draft. This draft is based on client’s buying history. Each subsequent message takes into account the context of the previous ones in a thread. Thus, a human agent doesn’t need to spend time on recalling the context of the conversation.

Moreover, since the CoSupport Agent has an exhausted knowledge of the company's products and services, human agents don’t spend time searching for relevant information.

The maximum improvement of this metric through the use of CoSupport Agent, which we recorded in one of the projects, is 80%.

Resolution Rate (RR)

RR measures the percentage of customer support tickets that are resolved out of the total number of tickets received within a specific period.

Calculation of Resolution Rate (RR)

A high Ticket Resolution Rate is indicative of a customer support team that efficiently manages and resolves customer issues, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. It also reflects the team's ability to keep up with incoming support requests, ensuring that customers are not left without resolutions.

How CoSupport Agent contributes to keeping RR high

With an AI assistant, a human agent provides a quick first response, which is vital for customer retention. Moreover, all the following messages are also answered quickly and with high precision. As a result, the chances are high to resolve the maximum fraction of the tickets. In one of our projects, we observed that employing a CoSupport Agent led to an 80% peak enhancement of the Resolution Rate.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

CSAT is a direct indicator of how satisfied customers are with a company's product, service, or specific customer support interaction. It measures the degree to which a company meets or exceeds customer expectations in the support context.

CSAT is derived from surveys where clients are asked to rate various aspects of the assistance quality they got on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5, where 1 might be "Very Unsatisfied" and 5 "Very Satisfied").

Calculation of Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

By achieving a high CSAT score, a company showcases its effectiveness in meeting or exceeding customer expectations through its support services. It’s a straightforward example of how to use AI to improve the customer experience.

How CoSupport Agent contributes to keeping CSAT high

The AI assistant provides quick, accurate, and personalized answers. As a result, chances to meet customers’ expectations are higher.

Agent Satisfaction Score (ASAT)

ASAT measures the satisfaction levels of customer support agents with their work environment, tools, and overall job conditions. It evaluates the extent to which a company supports its employees in providing exceptional customer service, reflecting the internal health of the customer support team and its potential impact on customer interactions.

ASAT is gauged through internal surveys where agents are asked to rate various aspects of their job satisfaction on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5, where 1 might be "Very Unsatisfied" and 5 "Very Satisfied").

Calculation of Agent Satisfaction Score (ASAT)

By maintaining a high ASAT, a company demonstrates its commitment to providing a supportive and fulfilling work environment for its customer support agents. This is crucial for several reasons:

  • satisfied agents are more likely to be engaged and motivated, which directly translates into better customer service and, consequently, higher CSAT scores;
  • a high level of agent satisfaction reduces turnover rates, which is beneficial for maintaining a skilled and experienced customer support team;
  • investing in agent satisfaction is indicative of a company's dedication to both its employees and its customers, fostering a positive organizational culture that supports long-term business success.

How CoSupport Agent contributes to keeping ASAT high

The AI assistant takes on the routine work of processing tickets. The agent receives a quality draft of the response effortlessly and without time expenditure. The more creative task falls on their shoulders — to evaluate the draft and edit it if necessary. Working with the AI assistant is convenient, tasks are solved in the familiar Zendesk interface for the agent. There is no need for special training. All these factors together create conditions for the high motivation of support agents.


The enhancement of customer support KPIs with CoSupport Agent integrated into Zendesk is fundamentally a mathematical equation. Here is the reasoning. Our AI assistant significantly decreases the time required to resolve support tickets and increases the total resolved queries by equipping human agents with timely and accurate draft responses. This is the eloquent answer to the question of how you can improve customer experience by using AI.

Moreover, the Cosupport Agent, integrated into Zendesk, ensures a substantial uplift in the overall quality of customer service by providing accurate and personalized answers. It directly contributes to heightened customer satisfaction levels.

In addition, the straightforward adoption process and the ability to offload repetitive tasks to an AI assistant play a crucial role in maintaining high levels of motivation among customer support staff.

In essence, CoSupport Agent integration with Zeddesk not only streamlines operational efficiency but also fosters an environment where customer happiness and employee satisfaction are in harmonious balance.

Through this innovative approach, you can expect to see a measurable improvement in key performance metrics.

Our team quickly and efficiently integrates CoSupport Agent into Zendesk. We will provide technical support and training for your staff. Starting today, you can enhance the effectiveness of your customer support with minimal investment while maintaining a familiar workspace for your customer service managers.

Want to revolutionize CX?

Contact us to try the CoSupport Agent’s integration in Zendesk!

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